Working directly with schools throughout Central Virginia to feed hungry kids on weekends.
Currently serving schools in Powhatan, Chesterfield, Henrico, Hanover, Goochland, Buckingham, Amelia, Cumberland, and the City of Hopewell, Virginia.
Backpacks of Love hosted it’s Christmas party at the Foundry on Tuesday night. The
dinner party sponsored by several anonymous donors was for present board members
and their spouses, as well as past board members and several representatives from
Cobb Technology and Imprint, partners of BPOL in Henrico County.
Delegate Lee Ware was the keynote speaker who used the Greek word, “philoxenia” to
describe the work that BPOL does- philo means love and it is love for the unknown-
people whom you do not know but make a huge effort to help. That is what the mission
of Backpacks of Love is: helping strangers who otherwise would go hungry. One board
member described what it felt like to be at one of the elementary schools delivering
backpacks and a little boy walked up to her, pulled on her sweater, and said, “thank you
for feeding me this weekend.”
President of BPOL, Lummie Jones summarized their work in 2021 including the 10th
annual golf tournament that raised $105,000 this year, received a $5000 donation from
Cob Technology, and a $25,000 Grant from the Altria Employee Community Fund.
BPOL continues reaching out to schools in Powhatan and surrounding counties as well
as schools in Henrico County to reach children in need of food on the weekends.
Finally, the recipients of the Rich Napier Volunteer of the Year award were announced.
Since they have not been able to have this dinner for several years, three honorees
were announced. For 2019 Cathy Adams was recognized, in 2020 Gwen Boykin was
the recipient and for 2021 Brenda Fulcher was recognized as the Rich Napier Volunteer
of the Year.
Goals for 2022 include introducing BPOL to more schools in Chesterfield and Henrico
County, six more fundraisers to raise money and awareness. Under the leadership of Executive Director, Kevin Hardy, they fully expect to meet these goals.
Caption for picture: Delegate Lee Ware congratulates the Rich Napier Volunteer of the Year
recipients for the past three years: Brenda Fulcher 2021, Gwen Boykin 2020, Kathy Adams 2019
at the BPOL annual Christmas dinner.
The mission of Backpacks of Love is to eliminate hunger in school-age children in Central Virginia by providing food for their weekends.